
How to start a career in writing

Many individuals are born with an innate ability to fill a blank page with words. However, not all of them know what to do with this. Here's how to start a career in writing!

Take the first step toward your dream job

Yellow vintage typewriter with crumpled paper around
Sometimes creativity is not all it takes! Let’s take a look at writing as a career! Source: Adobe Stock

Many people have a natural talent for putting words into a blank paper. Not a lot of those know what to do with this, though. Here’s a guide on how to start a career in writing!

Writing is a career that is often misunderstood.

People assume that because they can write, they can also be a writer; however, this career path is much more complex than simply writing.

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A career in writing requires developing numerous skills, including creativity, critical thinking, communication, and attention to detail.

It also offers a unique opportunity to share your voice with the world. Do you have what it takes to be a successful writer?

What is a career in writing like?

Man writing something on a piece of paper
Writing is challenging! Let’s assess what a career in this field looks like. Source: Adobe Stock

Writing as a profession may take many different forms. It is possible to use it as a means of making a livelihood or as a way to share your story with the world.

But how can one make a living as a writer? To begin, one must realize that there is a wide variety of writing occupations to choose from. This is an essential first step.

If you are considering making a living as a writer, you first need to choose the genre of writing in which you have the most interest.

After you’ve accomplished that, you’ll be in a position to start looking for possibilities.

It is possible to break into the field of writing in various ways; however, one of the most typical approaches is to locate a writing job that pays.

Writing articles for a website or ghostwriting a book are examples of this kind of work. While not all writing jobs pay well, having some experience is crucial before moving on.

In addition, if your professional standing improves, you should be able to negotiate better charges for your services.

Therefore, considering making a living as a writer, you should know that this might take many different forms.

Art can be both creatively satisfying and a means of making a livelihood, or it may merely be the latter. It is up to you to decide.

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What are the different types of writing jobs?

Blank sheet of paper with scribbles erased, a pencil, and other sheets of paper crumpled around
Creative jobs are tough sometimes and may be hard to get into. Source: Adobe Stock

Those skilled with the written word may choose from various writing careers to pursue their interests. Writing is an activity that opens up a wealth of professional doors.

The following is a short list of the many various kinds of writing jobs that are now available:

  • Journalism reports current events by creating articles that both enlighten and entertain readers.
  • Public relations experts assist their customers in managing their public image by doing various things, including producing press releases and providing content for social media platforms.
  • In advertising, persuasive copy is created by advertising writers to sell items and services. This includes ad campaigns, coming up with taglines, and other creative endeavors.
  • Writing of a technical nature includes the production of user manuals, how-to guides, and other forms of technical documentation by authors of a technical nature.
  • Preparing grants involves researching and writing applications to get financial support from organizations that assist.

These are, of course, only a few instances among many more. In this field of business, one may take many different paths, and the market is filled with various opportunities.

There is bound to be a writing opportunity suitable for you, whether you are searching for a full-time writing career or simply a method to make some additional money.

Can you make a living out of writing?

Writing is more than putting words on paper. Writing careers come with their problems and benefits.

Technical writers must comprehend complicated issues to provide clear directions.

Copywriters must capture a brand’s voice while crafting ads. A grant writer needs to relate the tales of individuals in need.

Each writing career demands different talents, but they let you utilize your creativity and enthusiasm to make a difference.

Additionally, the range of job opportunities in this field is quite varied.

It can take some time to adjust to the demands and get a gig that pays enough, but once you do, all you need is to keep up the good work!

What are the necessary skills for a career in writing?

As we already went on, creativity is important for all spheres of writing. You need to understand how to captivate your audience and supply them with understandable text.

As to the specific skills, the multitude of jobs in writing demands varies with the position. Technical texts require more attention to detail, while artistic ones will demand more art from the writer.

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What are the challenges of a career in writing?

Writing can be enjoyable and tough. It allows you to share your views with the world. It helps people connect and create something lovely.

However, there are moments when the words flow easily and others when you feel stuck. Writers spend long hours alone at the computer.

Even when you find an audience, the payoff might not be sufficient.

Perseverance and patience are key to a successful writing career and given enough time. You will most surely prevail.

Tips for pursuing a career in writing

If you’re truly interested in building your writing career, follow the tips below to maximize your success margin!


Although you cannot command creativity, having the discipline to try writing whenever necessary is an amazing skill to develop.

As writing will become your job, you can’t afford to write only when the winds favor your trade. Instead, try understanding and filtering what works and what doesn’t and adjusting to this.

In time you’ll see writing will become more of a practiced day-to-day activity than an exercise on the chaotic entropy of creativity.


Never stop reading! In the endless journey to become better at the writing trade, you need to be in touch with the works the market is currently offering.

Whether you work with literary production or not, staying sharp in the reading sphere is very important, as this will greatly benefit your writing.


Never stop looking up trends and adjusting your work practices to follow what generally works. You’ll see growth if you learn to pursue what makes you successful today.

And when you get a writing gig, what can help?

After that, it’s time to develop even further! Getting a tutor might be of great help. You got to learn from the best, after all.

Here’s a post on how to find a mentor to teach you development strategies!

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A mentor can greatly help develop your career, but it takes some getting used to this relationship. Let's go over some key concepts for a mentor/student relationship!

About the author  /  Pedro Pansutti

Pedro is a Translation graduate, writing enthusiast, and all things creative aficionado. Using simple and uncomplicated writing, he seeks to convey vital information to those in search of a stable job position or just to those who want to be happier doing what they love.

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